Planting Tomatoes for a Bountiful Harvest

Planting Tomatoes for a Bountiful Harvest

Pure Nebraska interview about planting tomatoes. As gardening time approaches, here are a few tips for getting the most from your tomato planting experience. Seed selection is the first decision. Look on the seed packet or the plant container for the variety. It...
Prescribed Burning: Why Farmers Do It

Prescribed Burning: Why Farmers Do It

Prescribed burning. It may sound like an oxymoron, but a prescribed burn is a valuable tool for farmers and ranchers as they manage grass and rangeland for grazing. By definition, a prescribed burn is a planned fire; it is also sometimes called a “controlled...
High-tech Chicken Barns? You Bet!

High-tech Chicken Barns? You Bet!

While most of us are aware of the latest and greatest technologies available for our homes, such as Wi-Fi thermostats and video doorbells, would you believe that a lot of this same technology is available in modern livestock barns?  When we decided in 2016 to...
Marching Towards Planting Season

Marching Towards Planting Season

March is one of my favorite months.  First, March reminds us spring is just around the corner. Second, I get to celebrate another birthday!  With a birthday at the end of the month, I have enjoyed many celebrations with spring-like weather, but I have had...
Upcycling: Cows Do It!

Upcycling: Cows Do It!

“Upcycling.” Most often we think of this word in connection with home furnishings or clothing. On our farm we think of upcycling whenever we get our cow herd out on cornstalk fields after harvest. As soon as possible after our corn is harvested, we put up temporary...
Needed – All Farms, Great and Small

Needed – All Farms, Great and Small

Although I am not a life-long farmer, I am fortunate to have had intimate experiences with where my food comes from. I spent most of my childhood on an acreage outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. I remember issues of Mother Earth News being devoured by my parents, so my...