High-tech Chicken Barns? You Bet!

High-tech Chicken Barns? You Bet!

While most of us are aware of the latest and greatest technologies available for our homes, such as Wi-Fi thermostats and video doorbells, would you believe that a lot of this same technology is available in modern livestock barns?  When we decided in 2016 to...
Egg and Ham Breakfast Bake

Egg and Ham Breakfast Bake

Karah Perdue shares a family favorite breakfast dish. It incorporates two of our favorite proteins–pork and eggs.  You can customize it to fit your family. Egg and Ham Breakfast Bake 24 ounces frozen hash browns16 ounces cubed ham8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese...
Animal Housing and Antibiotics  Q & A

Animal Housing and Antibiotics Q & A

Have you ever looked out the car window at one of those big white chicken barns or pig barns and thought, “What is going on in there?” My husband Jason and I, with our four children, raise 40,000 chickens in a large barn, and I help my dad raise pigs in a barn on his...
Our Chicken Barn–and What Goes On In There.

Our Chicken Barn–and What Goes On In There.

Have you ever looked out the car window at one of those big white chicken barns and thought, “what is going on in there?” I used to wonder that same thing until three years ago when we became chicken farmers and got our first flock of pullets (young female hens). All...


I love talking! Seriously, I know that sounds strange, but I am a person who can talk something to DEATH!  If you don’t believe me, just ask my husband.  Today there are many ways to have a conversation. With Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can begin a...