Karol Swan

Columbus, NE

I’ve had the fortune to live on a farm all my life. I grew up on a row crop farm in Saunders County. My brothers still farm and feed cattle there. I own an irrigated row crop farm near York with my daughter, Jordan. We are blessed with wonderful tenants that use the latest innovations to continually improve our farm. I am currently in the Columbus area with a farmer/feed yard owner/ operator. I am retired from the USDA. I worked 32 years for the Meat Grading and Certification Branch grading carcass beef. My duty station was Grand Island and I worked in other beef plants throughout the Midwest. I was a 4-H Mom and leader for years. We had cattle and horses for business and 4-H projects, plus other livestock species for projects. Horses are still part of the York farm. Jordan lives on the York farm, trains horses and works in real estate. I enjoy giving presentations to high school classrooms and sharing the CommonGround messages. I cannot stress the importance of connecting with people. I love to listen, answering questions, and assuring folks that we have the safest, healthiest, most abundant, and most economical food supply in the world.

NEWS FROM Karol Swan