Not Your Typical Day

By: CommonGround Nebraska Volunteer Paula Peterson

I firmly believe in lists and goals, and nothing makes me happier than getting to check things off my list. I’ve even been known to add something to a finished list just so I have something to cross off. However, living the life I live, my direction changes on a dime.

I may wake up in the morning with plans to work in the office to get caught up on paperwork but a single sentence from my husband can change that. He usually prefaces it with, “What were your plans for the day?” The panicked phrase, “Grab your coat, cows are out!” is an oldie but a goodie. Every day has the potential for change and I’m learning to roll with it, not always willingly but I keep trying.

What is a Typical Day on the Farm?

People often ask, “What is a typical day on the farm?” and I can honestly say I don’t know, I still haven’t had one yet. My day may include sitting by a work cattle chute trying to get a calf to eat, running for parts needed for equipment all over the eastern side of Nebraska or operating a skid loader to help clean out the barn. We try to make a list of the things that need to get done in a week, but it changes more often than not. Sometimes it depends on who is available to help with bigger projects like freeze-branding the cows or vaccination day, which decides our direction for the day. The weather is also always a component of decision-making. I’m still waiting for a rainy day so we can replace a couple of light switches in the house. It has only been three months that that has been on my list but who’s counting?

When livestock needs help, you stop what you are doing and help. When machinery breaks down, belts break or other issues, you stop what you are doing and help. That is the life I have chosen to lead and can’t honestly say I would want it any other way!

I’ve even been known to add something to a finished list just so I have something to cross off. However, living the life I live, my direction changes on a dime.