Melisa Konecky

Wahoo, NE

My family and I live near Wahoo, where we raise dairy cows, beef cows and row crops. I manage daily farm operations and staffing, specifically with the dairy. I also work alongside my parents, brother and sister-in-law to manage our cow/calf herd, row crops and hay crop. As a third-generation dairy farmer, growing and producing food has always been a part of my life and one of the things I am most proud of. Along with this great responsibility, there also comes a wish to help others understand where their food comes from. There is a lot of misinformation being spread about the food we consume. My goal is to help connect consumers with the farmers who help produce the products we all love. Most of these farmers are family farmers, just like us, who work hard to ensure that the food we’re producing is sustainably raised and safe for our families–and yours.

NEWS FROM Melisa Konecky