Megan Landes-Murphy

Lawrence, NE

Hi, my name is Megan Landes-Murphy! I’m a first-generation sheep producer, working alongside my husband, Tom, on our acreage in south central Nebraska. Although I didn’t grow up in ag, I have learned a lot over the last decade and I can’t wait to share more with you about the American sheep industry. I’ve always been connected with nature and I love seeing the benefits that livestock can bring to the environment. We practice rotational grazing and focus on soil health.

I also recently started a business, Kestrel Ridge Pellet Company. I take underutilized sheep wool and turn it into wool pellets to use as a natural, renewable fertilizer for your plants. Wool pellets hold 3 times their weight in water, slowly release nutrients for plant growth and health, and will biodegrade in 6 months. I’m providing an outlet for second-rate wool that benefits sheep producers and plant enthusiasts alike. Together we can work with nature to nourish the soil!