Megan Horak

Western, NE

I grew up on a small family farm near Swanton. Through my years in FFA, I discovered a love and passion for agriculture, as well as a love for sharing that passion with others. I met my husband in 2007 at a youth ag conference and our love for farming brought us closer together. We farm with his parents on a fifth-generation family farm, near Western, consisting of corn, soybeans, alfalfa and cattle. We are an all dryland operation, so we are at the mercy of Mother Nature to provide us rain to grow our crops. We also have a cow/calf operation consisting of approximately 140 cows. We enjoy raising the calves until it’s time to wean them from their mothers and send them to a feedlot, where they are finished out provide tasty beef to our state and even worldwide! My husband, Bryce, and I have two boys, who work right beside us learning new things every day. They both really enjoy being in the tractors with us, whether we are planting, harvesting or feeding cows. We are both very active in our small community. We volunteer at our local ZCBJ chapter, Bryce is president of our county fair board, and I am a volunteer EMT.

NEWS FROM Megan Horak