Kelly Witte

Scribner, NE

I grew up in the small Nebraska town of Red Cloud. Although I was a town girl, I spent many hours at my Grandpa Jelinek’s farm, as well as my uncle’s farm. I attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where I majored in elementary and special education. I also have a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. I used the classroom as a way to educate today’s youth about agriculture. My husband Donald and I have a feedlot, and we grow corn and soybeans, as well. We also grow rye as a cover crop that we utilize in our cattle feeding operation. Don and I have five grown daughters, five sons-in- law and nine grandchildren. When I am not helping Don on the farm, I keep busy with various community and ag-related organizations along with substitute teaching. I enjoy being involved in the “Ag Pen Pal” program because it is so fun to answer students’ questions about life in the country. I love sharing the story of our agricultural life and the safety of our food.