Crystal Klug

Columbus, NE

I grew up a farm girl and despite my mother encouraging me to ‘NEVER marry a farmer,’ I met my farmer husband, Beau, in college and we moved back to his family farm following graduation. We are the fourth generation (raising the fifth) to live and work off the land and raise cattle, crops and kids. My husband works alongside his dad and brother every day to ensure livestock are properly fed, watered and cared for. We plant a lot of cover crops to protect and improve soil health, which also provides an additional feed source for our cattle. We also utilize the manure from our livestock to fertilize the soil, and are always seeking opportunities to improve sustainability on our farm. I play a supportive role on the farm, making meals for hungry farmers and crews during the busy spring planting and fall harvest seasons, manage the books, and keep our young family of five fed, clean, laundered and chauffeured. I volunteer in my kids’ school, am a 10-plus year 4-H leader, and help my oldest son walk, feed, and travel to pig shows with his show pigs during the late spring and summer months.

NEWS FROM Crystal Klug