Anne Meis

Elgin, NE

Transitioning to a climate-smart agricultural system represents both “doing what’s right” and “doing right by farmers,” but it will require substantial investment by farmers and by those who want to invest in nature-based solutions to climate change. Farmers and ranchers must be at the table to shape the food systems of the future. As previous chair of U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action, I was involved in crafting the Decade of Ag vision statement. In crafting this vision, leaders in food and agriculture came together to aspire to an agricultural system that not only provides abundant, healthy, and safe food but is also part of the solution to climate change. As a CommonGround volunteer, I hope to share this message with consumers. My husband, Jim, and I operate our family farm near Elgin, Nebraska, where we grow corn, soybeans and raise beef cattle. After graduating from Briar Cliff College, I taught math, science, and other subjects at various grade levels in Elgin schools. Eventually, I returned full-time to the farm as the operation expanded its land, irrigation, grain storage, and livestock. Meis Farms strives for continuous improvement to increase soil health, conserve water and practice quality livestock care. I serve on the Nebraska Soybean Board and as immediate past chair of U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action (USFRA). Jim and I are the proud parents of three children who are all involved in agriculture.